Employment and social law

Employment law covers labour law and social security law.

Labour law is the body of legal rules applicable to individual and collective relations between private employers and their employees, who work for them in return for remuneration.

Social security law can be defined as the body of legal rules designed to protect individuals or households against all social risks, whether occupational or non-occupational.

Whether you are an employer, employee, staff representative or association, our team of lawyers can advise and support you at every stage of the employment relationship:

    • from the time of recruitment and before the employment contract is concluded (drafting, analysis and negotiation of the employment contract (permanent, fixed-term, temporary, etc.), drafting of clauses (trial period, non-competition, forfeiture of training, confidentiality, etc.), drafting of internal regulations, "work permit", etc.);
    • during the performance of the employment contract (determination of the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer, unilateral modification of the employment contract, amendments to the employment contract, remuneration, working hours and working time, discipline, employee health and safety, harassment and discrimination, accidents in the workplace, leave, staff representation, collective agreements, etc.);
    • in the event of termination of the employment relationship (redundancy procedure with notice period or immediate effect (prior interview, letter of redundancy, letter setting out the reasons for the termination, letter of objection, etc.), severance pay, statutory notice period, compensation for unfair dismissal, resignation, termination by mutual agreement, declaration of termination, death of the employer or the employee, etc.).

    Our priority is always to find a negotiated solution to any disputes that may have arisen with your employer or with your employees and staff representatives. However, if such a solution proves impossible, we will defend your interests before the labour courts with dedication and tenacity.

    Employment and social law


      Contact Us




      7, avenue des Archiducs
      L-1135 Luxembourg

      T. +352 45 37 38
      F. +352 45 55 65